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Capture A Story Every Day

Digital Story Boxes – Shared With Future Generations

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Share Your Love Eternally

These story boxes will travel through time, your great-great-grandchildren will know who you were.

A story capturing app recording daily snapshots of life, to be relived, shared or passed on privately to others.

Life is about stories, bring you own story to life through memories, videos, photos, audio recordings or even documents so everybody you care about gets a special gift.

Digital Story Boxes are the only secure way of passing on private or sentimental information to the people who may need it. It’s where you’ll bring memories, love, inspiration to life and it’s how you literally can live forever.

Life is unpredictable whether you’ve just begun university, fallen in love or started a family. Wouldn’t you like to control how you’ll be remembered? Love is about the people in your life, your gratitude to those who helped you and the funny stories you shared together.

You are in control at all times, you can choose to release story boxes for special occasions or appoint a keyholder who will guarantee your boxes are released.

Love is about the people in your life, gratitude to those who helped you and the funny stories you shared together. Know that everyone gets what you’ve created for them.

Klokbox Team

Memory box - small quotation

No one can whistle a symphony, it takes a whole orchestra to play one.

H.E. Luccock

Don Culloty, klokbox

CEO & Founder

Don Culloty

Ana Jomir, klokbox


Ana Jomir

Kalpesh Kotadiya, klokbox


Kalpesh Kotadiya

Advisory Board: Stephen Brewer – Former CEO at Vodafone & Berk Veral – Former Director at Github

Klokbox Time Capsules. Stories For Tomorrow
Our Mission

To revolutionize social sharing by prioritizing privacy, enabling individuals to capture their daily snapshots in voice, text, and images, crafting enchanting storybooks that can be intimately passed on.


The greatest legacy we can leave our children is happy memories. Klokbox is the best way to keep your family story alive!

Story Boxes

Nothing is really lost to us as long as we remember it. Create your story box to keep alive the stories, connections, and experiences important to you.

Legacy Planning

Your story is the greatest legacy that you will leave to your family. Make sure to document and save all of your memories, because they are worth passing on.

Our Values


Family is the cornerstone of our lives, we appreciate and treasure it. We empower people to externally connect with their loved ones through time capsules.


We are committed in heart and mind to helping each family connect eternally through time capsules.


Integrity is more than just a word - it's who we are. We don't take shortcuts and we never will; when everything comes down to doing what’s right, there can be no compromise in service of our customers' best interests.


We are an innovative and passionate team that believes in continuous improvement. We take risks, encourage curiosity, learn from mistakes and constantly strive to exceed expectations!


Klokbox has always been about making things simple. We take the complexity and apathy out of legacy planning and make it fun, exciting and cuddly.

A Touch of Genius

Efficiency and simplicity. You appoint the keyholder who at the right time will trigger our algorithm – to release your things.

Eternal Connection

Eternally connect with those you truly care about and share the stuff that really matters to them if anything should suddenly happen to you.

Love & Family

Klokbox is more than just a memory box. It’s a legacy that your family can pass down through the generations.

our story

Why everyone needs Klokbox

My Dad suddenly dying meant that, despite our happy upbringing lots would change in our lives. The loss of his personal memories, inspiration and often hilarious stories was compounded by the stress of not being able to agree on what he would have wanted.

My Dad was emotional, loving and understanding but he found expressing his feelings difficult and although we never lacked inspiration and support he would have absolutely loved the convenience of Klokbox, filling individual memory boxes for each of us.

He was the type that needed to do things slowly and would enjoy the privacy of klokbox. I’m a bit of a procrastinator myself so klokbox is an ideal way of doing what I find enjoyable but at a convenient time.

The word Klok is Swedish for being wise, it’s Dutch for being timely and it’s now the verb for sending information into the future.

Our logo is a hummingbird because it signifies the unique ability of Klokbox to fly back in time. I’m sure you’ll love creating your very own memory boxes, filling them up as life rolls on and building a story for future generations to enjoy.

Don Culloty
Don Culloty
CEO & Founder