
Put Simply
It's Our No.1 Priority

We understand how important your personal stuff is to someone else. We take security seriously so we keep things uber safe for you. We protect those you care about by encrypting information at rest and in transit. We protect those you love too by ensuring your kloks reach their intended destination.

Klokbox Time Capsules. Stories For Tomorrow

Klokbox Is Fort Knox Secure!
We Also Care About Your Family

Data Is Encrypted

For protection, we secure your data in-flight and at rest. Communications between WEB Servers and Mobile Apps are encrypted. Your data at rest in the database and file storage is also encrypted.

Klokbox Time Capsules. Stories For Tomorrow

Stored On AWS Cloud

We not only use best in class, industry strength encryption technologies to provide secure storage, but we also partner with the most advanced cloud provider in the world for data processing, communications and storage.

Klokbox Time Capsules. Stories For Tomorrow

Who Sees My Memories & When Do They See Them?

Nobody sees your memory boxes until you release them, everything is encrypted and stored securely on the AWS cloud until either you or your keyholder triggers a release.

We also give you the choice to add a strong personal access code, affording you bank-level security while your phone is lying around.

Your Security FAQs Answered

You decide who can see your memories and who you’ll share your photo albums with. Adding a PAC keeps your Klokbox away from prying eyes too. Also, we’ve set a 15 sec inactivity timeout.

Yes! No one except you can access or see your data. Albums are shared only by you or your appointed keyholder if something happens to you.

Klokbox digital memory boxes. Stories For Tomorrow

It is always your prerogative to voluntarily close your account at any time, for security reasons we will hold your data safe for a short period of time, currently 30 days. This is known as the change of mind period, during this period your data is recoverable to you and you will be required to provide your unique recovery code [URC] in order to re-populate your account.

Your data will be held safe for as long as you require the data to be stored and for as long as your Klokbox account remains active, should your account become inactive for a period of more than 90 days we will send you a reminder. If you do not respond to four consecutive reminders we will consider your account closed and you will be notified accordingly. Your data will remain recoverable for a period of 30 days from the date of closure, using your URC as the only recovery mechanism available to you. Once data has been released by your appointed keyholder, this data also becomes the property of the acquiring Klokbox and will only be recoverable to you using your URC.

What Others Have To Say...

An awesome idea, I have so many memories I want to share, so many stories I want to tell and so many people I want to thank. It's addictive, you'll really enjoy it, trust me on that!
Maryanne, USA
Head of HR
Klokbox is the app I didn’t know I needed. I was surprised I could do so much for free. I use it to store valuable and personal information that I know others will need. Such a wonderful idea!
Torin, Ireland
Mother & Wife
It's so much more fulfilling that the hours I wasted on Instagram. It’s a brilliant way to keep a diary and share great memories with close friends.
Tonya, USA
College Student

Start Capturing Your Life Story Securily