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As parents, we want to spend quality time with our kids and create lasting memories. Check out our full list of activities and ways you can create lasting and happy childhood memories here. Don’t forget to download this free printable list of the best memory-making activities. But first, let’s answer some common questions.

How do I make memories with my children?

One way I can make memories with my children is by taking photos with them. Another way is by cooking meals together and sharing stories while we eat. I can also take them on fun outings, like to the park or the beach. Last, but not least, I can always just spend time cuddling with them and telling them how much I love them. Check out the full list of activities and ways to make memories with your kids here.

170+ Ways to Make Memories with Your Kids - Free Printable List

What are common childhood memories?

According to experts, these are the top 10 common childhood memories:

  1. Trip to the dentist
  2. Vacations
  3. Birthday party
  4. Quality time spent with parents
  5. First day of school
  6. Trip to the doctor
  7. Being outside
  8. An accident or injury
  9. A tooth falling out
  10. Christmas presents

How do you store childhood memories

Here’s how to store childhood memories:

Keep them in a special box, or in a special place in your heart. You could have a photograph album that you look through every now and then, or a journal about your childhood experiences. However you choose to keep your childhood memories, they are sure to be precious to you! Our top way of storing childhood memories is by kloking them!

Add ideas, stories, photos, videos, documents and much more to eternal time capsules that will always be available to you on your Klokbox account or passed down for generations to come. You can start kloking your most precious memories here:

How do you make memories with your family?

Here’s how you make memories with your family:

Spend time together and do things that you enjoy, you can create lasting memories with your family by doing the most simple things. Try making some new traditions, such as going on an annual camping trip or cooking a special meal together. capturing moments in photos and videos, and writing down your favourite stories to look back on in the future. These are just a few ways to create cherished memories with your loved ones, check out the full list here.

How can I save my kids’ memories?

Here’s how you can save your kids’ memories forever:

Add them into memory boxes and time capsules on Klokbox. It’s a free app that every parent should use to organize, keep and pass on their memories together. It’s a simple-to-use app to klok ideas, stories, photos, videos, documents, and much more to eternal time capsules. Start kloking your most precious memories here:

How do you caption a childhood memory?

To caption a childhood memory you should store it and remind your kids about that memory. An example could be creating a family tradition like Sunday pancakes. Kids remember the important things, not the expensive ones. The Little moments count! Keep repeating and documenting it by taking pictures, talking about it, and kloking about it.

170+ Ways to Make Memories with Your Kids

How do you make fun memories with your kids?

The best activities that will create childhood memories your kids will treasure, remembering them no matter how old we get.

There are numerous ways of making memories with our kids. Here are the top kids’ activities for creating memories:

  1. Go On A Picnic
  2. Play In The Snow
  3. Create Your Family Tree
  4. Spend A Day At The Beach
  5. Go On An Individual Date
  6. Stargaze
  7. Have A Dance Party
  8. Make A Craft
  9. Decorate Their Room
  10. Play Tag
  11. Have A Movie Night
  12. Go Ice Skating
  13. Learn A New Skill Together
  14. Have A No Electronics Day
  15. Watch A Meteor Shower
  16. Build Something
  17. Visit An Amusement Park
  18. Go On A Bike Ride
  19. Keep A Journal
  20. Draw Pictures
  21. Dream Together
  22. Go Camping
  23. Share A Family Secret
  24. Go On A Hike
  25. Give Service
  26. Have Traditions
  27. Learn About Your Family History
  28. Watch The Clouds
  29. Play At The Park
  30. Spend Time At The Library
  31. Teach Them Something New
  32. Talk On The Phone
  33. CuddleCelebrate Little Holidays
  34. Have A Water Fight
  35. Do Something You Both Love
  36. Explore A Zoo
  37. Form A Band
  38. Swim
  39. Find Sea Shells
  40. Feed The Ducks
  41. Create A Bucket List
  42. Go On A Bus Ride
  43. Make Holiday Decorations
  44. See A Drive-In Movie
  45. Go On A Nature Walk
  46. Visit A National Park
  47. Go On A CruiseHave A Slumber Party
  48. Teach Them About Finances
  49. Have A Backyard Fire
  50. Plant A Garden
  51. Wash The Car
  52. Make Popcorn
  53. Play Mini Golf
  54. Fly A Kite
  55. Watch Family Videos
  56. Do Yearly Interviews
  57. Tour A Factory
  58. Have A Spa Day
  59. Take A Class Together
  60. Go To A Festival

    Beautiful Ways To Create Lasting Memories

  61. Make Gifts Together
  62. Learn About Their Interests
  63. Play In The Rain and Create Your Own Rain-Dance
  64. Watch The Sunset
  65. Cut Down A Christmas Tree and Decorate It Together
  66. Get Muddy – Play In The Dirt
  67. Make Homemade Pizza
  68. Listen When They Talk
  69. Make Family Goals
  70. Plan A Trip As A Family
  71. Tell Jokes
  72. Play Games In The Car
  73. Have A Thumb War
  74. Go To A Sporting Event
  75. Go To Church Together
  76. See A PlaySend Surprise Notes
  77. Visit Extended Family
  78. Cheer Them On At Events
  79. Be Present
  80. Go To A Local Restaurant
  81. Visit A Village
  82. Build A Sand Castle
  83. Make Your Favourite Painting Together
  84. Collect Stamps
  85. Plant A Sapling
  86. Make A Bird Feeder
  87. Make Ice-Cream At Home
  88. Play Hide-And-Seek
  89. Sing Favourite Songs
  90. Do Stargazing
  91. Make Foam Bubbles
  92. Try Catching A Butterfly
  93. Learn Something New Together
  94. Do Kite FlyingDonate Some Food
  95. Donate Old Clothes Of Your Child
  96. Donate Old Toys
  97. Eat Gol-Gappas Together
  98. Wear Traditional Clothes
  99. Collect Old Coins
  100. Ask Fun Questions
  101. Tell Stories
  102. Give A Surprise Gift
  103. Make French Fries At Home Every Friday
  104. Make Popcorn Together
  105. Visit A Temple
  106. Pray Together
  107. Watch Sunrise & SunsetTogether
  108. Sit Beside A Pond And Have A Talk
  109. Make Lanterns
  110. Help Someone Together
  111. Build A Fort Out Of Cardboard
  112. Answer Their Questions
  113. Keep A Surprise Party For Your Child’s Friends
  114. Make A Photo Collage
  115. Make And Decorate A Photo Frame
  116. Play Pen-Fight
  117. Play Thumb-Fight
  118. Make Paper Boats
  119. Play Carom Board
  120. Make Paper Rockets

    Activities That Always Bring Joy

  121. Play In Mud
  122. Do Face Painting
  123. Recite A Song That Is Outside The Text Book
  124. List Down Things That Both Of You Are Interested In
  125. Go For Shopping Together
  126. Make Gift-Hampers For Their Friends
  127. Make Fridge-Magnets
  128. Go Boating With Family
  129. Take Your Child On The Tour Of Your City
  130. Visit The Nearest Picnic Spot
  131. Watch Funny Videos Together
  132. Play An Outdoor Sport
  133. Watch A Play
  134. Make A List Of Best Friends
  135. Make A List Of People You Love
  136. Go On A Bus Ride
  137. Make A Toy Phone And Talk To Each Other
  138. Go For A Photo-Shoot With Your Child
  139. Make A Pizza At Home
  140. Do Household Chores Together
  141. Dream Together
  142. Write A Letter To A Loved One Together
  143. Make Paper Heart Garland
  144. Eat Chocolates Together
  145. Make Water Balloons
  146. Burst Small Bubbles In Bubble Wrap
  147. Wash Your Car Or Bike Together
  148. Have A Candle-Light Dinner
  149. Study With Them
  150. Compliment Them
  151. Visit Your Close Relatives Who Are Your Child’s Favourite
  152. Go For A Morning Walk
  153. Bird-Watch Together
  154. Feed The Birds
  155. Feed Cats
  156. Cook Together
  157. Organize A Family Vacation
  158. Solve A Jigsaw Puzzle Together
  159. Have A Pyjama Party
  160. Play Together
  161. Take A Family Picture
  162. Go For A Movie
  163. Solve A Crossword Puzzle
  164. Read Together
  165. Have Game Nights
  166. Take A Road Trip
  167. Bake A Favorite Treat
  168. Go Shopping
  169. Make Dinner Together
  170. Sing In The Car
  171. Watch A Series Of Movies
  172. Let The Kids Help You Around The House

Don’t forget to download the free printable guide with things to do to make happy memories with kids. Make memories with your children every day by choosing one of these activities.

170+ Ways to Make Memories with Your Kids - Free Printable List

170+ Ways to Make Memories with Your Kids – Free Printable List

What brings a family together?

I want my kids to remember the good times and create memories that will last a lifetime. In our opinion these things bring a family together:

Good memories and the little things, like sitting down to a meal together, or taking a walk in the park. It’s the shared moments and experiences that make us feel closest to those we love.

The best way to make sure the lasting childhood memories with your kids never fade away is by kloking them. Create your first time capsule for free here and make memories as a family.

170+ Ways to Make Memories with Your Kids - Free Printable List

170+ Ways to Make Memories with Your Kids – Free Printable List

How can I save memories for kids?

You can save memories for kids by taking photos and saving them on a secure platform. Even better – saving them on several platforms. Also, you can save memories for kids by writing down stories and making videos. Whatever way you can think of to capture moments and freeze them in time, do it! Because one day, your kids will be grownups themselves, and they’ll want to look back on their childhood and remember all the good times.

Join our kloking challenge here to get in the habit to klok all those precious moments and keep them forever. Let us know in the comments, what are your favourite childhood memories and what activities you love doing with your kids.